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Breaking Bread with Abuela

for Anthony, a student who told me this beautiful story

this bread will determine your lives,

speaking to us

her words penetrate the body to permeate the soul

the way the smell of freshly baked bread permeates la cocina,

in early morning

we rise like the bread we bake

which may or may not change the world

each loaf a poem to be written

each loaf a song to be sung

my sister’s loaf rises like a song sung from the lungs

from the innermost part of oneself  


absolutely beautiful,

grandmother tells her she will make a lovely abuelita someday,

we watch as my loaf rises slowly 

too brown around the edges

and then falls

crashing back to earth like a hatchling that dreamed too early of flight

she caresses my face

and with her eyes more than her voice she tells me

mijo, your life will be a comedy and a tragedy

I know what she says is true

I realize then, in part, I am my abuela

in part, my grandmother is me

in part, I am that loaf

in part, that loaf is me

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Praisesong for the People

a project by Amanda Johnston 

2024 Texas State Poet Laureate 

This project is made possible with support from the Academy of American Poets, the Mellon Foundation, the Writers' League of Texas, and the Texas Commission on the Arts. 

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