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for Fady Joudah

“By then doctors and poets//Would have found a cure for prayer” from After

you said that weekends were lonely

in a poem I once read

while watching a cauldron

bubble out toward the east

just before the sun

steals light from the wet sky

clouds fly out from Congress Street Bridge

you detailed muscles in a body

your language wounds like a ligature

tightening around my small heart

I write careful notes

I had never taken an anatomy lesson

smoke brews on the horizon like a concealed prayer

I wish I could ask you

if we can walk together from this

epoch to the next

like Darwish

forgetting to die

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Praisesong for the People

a project by Amanda Johnston 

2024 Texas State Poet Laureate 

This project is made possible with support from the Academy of American Poets, the Mellon Foundation, the Writers' League of Texas, and the Texas Commission on the Arts. 

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